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"The Train the Trainer course was very tailored to my individual needs as well as being adaptable."

Physio Lead, Bedford Hospital Trust


LPS Training link  Hoisting guidelines from the HSE

LPS Training link Register for free reminders for your annual update

LPS Training link All LPS Trainers are Advanced Members of National Back Exchange

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JULY 2024

It is with deep sadness that we must let you know that Simon, after a brief illness, died at home on 8th July. His knowledge, skills, kindness and sense of fun will be sadly missed by us all here at LPS and by everyone who knew him. 

May be an image of 1 person and glasses



Simon and Julia are currently enjoying the National Back Exchange Annual Conference in Birmingham. And news hot off the press is that Simon has been named the winner of the Maggie Williams Award for services to the field of Moving & Handling. All at LPS send huge congratulations to Simon!

To see other winners and to find out more go here





We are pleased to let you know that we have added another resource, Yorkshire Back Exchange Hoist Guidelines 2023, to our resource page. Julia and Simon were very involved with the original project in 2010 and these new guidelines have been updated by current members of the Yorkshire Branch of NBE to reflect best practice. The group is happy for the guidelines to be shared.


Well the warmer weather seems to have disappeared but we are hoping summer will be back! At least August started on a positive front as we celebrated Yorkshire Day on 1st August. After enjoying some holiday time LPS are looking forward to busy times ahead. The office is still open if you need to contact us. Visit our dairy page if you are looking for a training course.

JUNE 2023

We now have our 2024 dates for the Train the Trainer 5 day courses and Annual Update Courses that we facilitate at William Merritt DLC. Check our dairy page for dates and go to the website of WMDLC for details of how to book on. Remember, places are limited on all these courses.

APRIL 2023

We hope the warmer weather is here to stay for a while and that you are enjoying it as much as we do! After a quiet Easter we are seeing the diary filling up and we have training booked from Whitby down to Plymouth coming up. Find out more information about us on our facebook page.


A Happy New Year to everyone and here at LPS the new year is starting off on a very busy footing!

We will be delivering a Train the Trainer Course at the William Merritt Centre in Leeds from Monday 13th - 16th March + 18th April. There are just a couple of places left, so go to this link if you are interested in more details and to book your place.


After a very busy November and December, we here at LPS are starting to wind down a little in readiness for the Christmas Holidays. The office will be closed from midday on Friday 23rd December until we reopen again on Tuesday 3rd January. 

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2023.


Our office manager, Catherine, has had an interesting few weeks as she has been a volunteer at the Rugby League World Cup. As a Tournament Guest Services Volunteer she has been placed at Headingley Stadium and Elland Road as a meeter and greeter of invited guests. She has really enjoyed the experience and despite England's Men's and Women's teams not reaching their finals, she is looking forward to watching the England Wheelchair team compete in their final on Friday 18th November in Manchester. The kick off is at 7.30pm and you can watch all the action on BBC2 from 7pm. If you have never seen a Rugby League Wheelchair match don't miss this opportunity, the skills on show are amazing and it is an all inclusive sport enabling disabled, non-disabled, men and women to compete together. Watch Jack Brown weave his magic here


We have just released our training dates for 2023 and you can see them here


The Annual National Back Exchange Conference came North this month and what a success it was! You can see Simon below, in his role as Chair, welcoming nearly 200 delegates for the 2-day conference which was held in Harrogate. 

And Julia was also in attendance delivering a session on "Risk Assessment, it's all about balance."

You can read more about the event and what went on here

JULY 2022

Well the summer months are upon us and Julia and Simon are looking forward to some holiday time. However, before that they have a busy time ahead and they are training in Sheffield, Bradford, Newcastle to name just a few places! And they are both looking forward to the National Back Conference in September which will be held in Harrogate for the first time ever.

For more details about the conference click here 

MAY 2022

Julia and Simon have been kept busy over the past two months working with Hospice's, Hospitals and Care Homes! After attending the Scottish Manual Handling Forum this week, where Julia will deliver a workshop entitled " Risk Assessment-it's all about balance", both Simon and Julia are looking forward to the long bank holiday weekend that is coming up soon! We hope you all find some time to relax too.


Julia has recently recorded a number of "technique" video's using slide sheets. These can be found on the MIP YouTube channel. You can subscribe here to view them all. 


We hope you had a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to a happy and healthy 2022. We have training booked in a number of locations already this year, including a trip to the Isle of Man next month.

As always we have Annual Updates and Train the Trainer courses booked at William Merritt DLC so if you are interested please look at our dairy page and book your place via William Merritt.

And finally we provide a number of free resources on our Resources Page and all we ask is that you acknowledge LPS Training if you use them.


If you would like to attend an Annual Update or a Train the Trainer Course then please look here for dates. Places fill up fast so don't delay booking yours!

We have been busy providing Moving and Handling training to a variety of clients and recently Julia delivered an Annual Update at Bedford Hospital. They were really pleased with the training provided and felt that the course was perfect in terms of pace, information imparted and being able to discuss and practice skills. If you would like a bespoke training course for your staff then please get in touch with us. 0113 2755774 or 


We have just released our training dates for 2022 and you can see them here And remember that if you would like us to provide a bespoke Moving & Handling training course for your staff please get in touch with us. 0113 2755774 or email 


Where's the summer of 2021 going? We have been very busy here at LPS Training and not just with work as we have all enjoyed the Olympics and now we are looking forward to the Paralympics! Both Julia and Catherine were in London working at the Games in 2012 so they have a keen interest.

As well as continuing to provide bespoke Moving & Handling Training to clients from Liverpool to Leicester, Julia has found time to be involved with some filming for MIP, who sell Cromptons Slide sheets. Watch this space.......

Simon has been keeping busy in his role as Chair of National Back Exchange and has been closely involved in preparations for the forthcoming NBE Conference next month. After the cancellation of last year's conference there is great excitement about this year's event on 27th & 28th September. And there is still time to register for your place and receive the early bird discount price. But hurry, this discount closes on 13th August.

And dates have been added for our Annual Update Training days that we facilitate at William Merritt DLC due to popular demand. Check our diary page for more details.

MAY 2021

As well as our increasing workload with the Moving and Handling training, Julia has found time to train up to be a vaccinator and has been doing regular shifts in the Leeds area. She enjoys this work very much and her enthusiasm and professionalism has been recognised recently by a lovely email she received from one of her managers at a vaccination centre. Julia was praised for her exceptional work on an extremely challenging day and they said that she had been awesome! If you are having your vaccination in the Leeds area then look out for Julia.

And if you need more information about booking your jab you can find it here

Here at LPS we are very busy with our training courses and Julia and Simon have already this month facilitated courses from Bradford to Newcastle with York and Leeds in between! The majority of our training is now face to face but we remain flexible to the needs of our clients. If you have any queries or would like to know more about our training then please contact us on 0113 2755774 or And our diary page has dates of future training courses that we are facilitating.

APRIL 2021

We were excited to facilitate our first face to face M&H Annual Update this year combining it with participants who attended remotely via zoom. The feedback has been very positive and participants enjoyed the mix of interactive and delivered training. They also commented on "how knowledgeable our trainer Simon is" and "how he explained his reasoning process before reaching a conclusion". We look forward to welcoming more participants soon!

MARCH 2021

We are pleased to announce that we are facilitating an Annual Update on Tuesday 20th April and the venue is the William Merritt Disabled Living Centre, Leeds. The cost is £135 and places are confirmed on receipt of payment or a purchase order number. There is also the option to participate on this course via zoom. For more information go to the diary page 


We would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2021. The LPS office will be closed over Christmas and the New Year from 24th December and will reopen on 4th January.


Julia and Simon are continuing to provide training when asked and we follow all the Covid-19 advice. If your training requirements are urgent then do not hesitate to get in touch with us to check our availability. We are offering training over zoom and this has been working well, although of course we can do training in person if needed. We do a full risk assessment before any of these visits. 


Our Annual Update Study Day earlier this month was well attended and participant feedback was that the course was excellent and was relevant to their current needs. We will be holding more Study Days early in 2021. Our Facebook page will have the dates as soon as we have them!


 Late availability of places on our Annual Update Study Day on 7th October. For more information go to our diary page.

We have been working on mitigating risks in regard to Covid-19 and you can read our Risk Assessment for visiting a clients home here and for when we deliver training at training venues here 

We are now in a position to let you know how we will be progressing with our M&H Annual Update Study Days. The venue in Wakefield is currently not able to accommodate our needs so we have an alternative venue in Leeds. This venue, William Merritt Disabled Living Centre, has a large training room which is well ventilated and they have put in good procedures for the current Covid requirements. Numbers are limited in the training room to comply with social distancing. The content of the course will be very relevant to training with today's restrictions in mind. For the practical sessions we have full PPE available. We are happy if you decide to attend our Study Days but do not want to join in the practical sessions and observe only. Dates will be confirmed shortly along with details of how to book a place also.


Our Moving & Handling Training continues and we are adapting to the new requirements required. We are having success delivering theory training via Zoom, with practical sessions delivered in homes and other venues. We are also facilitating Train the Trainer Courses at William Merritt DLC and dates can be found here and on the William Merritt website

The office will be closed from 7th August until 24th August.

JULY 2020

Whilst we continue to be successful with training sessions via Zoom, we have begun face to face training again. We are of course following all guidelines to ensure the safety of ourselves and our clients. Please get in touch with our trainer Julia Love on 0113 2755774 if you would like to discuss your training requirements.

JUNE 2020

We hope you are all keeping well in these uncertain time. As the advice from Government changes we are trying to adapt and work within the guidelines. Whilst we have had to postpone most of our face to face training programmes, we have been successful with some training via Zoom. If this is something that you, or your staff, can benefit from please get in touch with Julia 0113 2755774.

As regards our training updates booked for later in the year, we are working with the venue to see what is possible.

Did you know that as a member of National Back Exchange you can benefit from advice and information shared by fellow members. For example there has been a recent discussion about managing training and Covid and a new video library of techniques. For further information and to join go here 

MARCH 2020

LPS Training and Covid-19

As the situation develops, we want to share with you the proactive steps we are taking here at LPS Training & Consultancy Ltd.   Our priority is to follow all guidance from the government to protect our clients, their carers, trainees and ourselves. 

Advice is changing rapidly, and it is therefore impossible to predict whether future events will take place.  We are reviewing the situation on a daily basis and will post information on our website and on Facebook to keep you informed.

We are currently exploring possibilities to deliver training through online webinars.  These will have the option for delivering updated information, for discussion and problem-solving and will enable trainees to remain up to date.  Our office will remain open and if anyone needs any advice on moving and handling issues, please contact us by phone or email.  We can also set up online face to face meetings if this would be more useful to you.

If you have an appointment for one of the LPS team to visit you, please let us know if you are suffering with any symptoms, have been abroad to any affected areas, or in contact with anyone with symptoms.  Be assured that we are taking every step we can to maintain hygiene and our trainers have all had up-to-date training in preventing cross infection.  

For more information please go to:


The Annual Update on 31st March 2020 has just one place available so book now!

 We have just completed a 2 day bespoke Moving & Handling Course for a local council. Here is some of the feedback Julia received from the participants.

"The course content & learning was relevant & applicable to the complexity of cases that we are presented with on a daily basis"

"Much better than the recent training we have had"

"Both the theory & practical aspects of this course has been excellent"

We can provide Moving & Handling training to suit your needs and the demands of your staff so please contact us: 0113 275 5774


Our Annual Update on 31st March 2020 still has a few places available. The day provides updates on any changes in current best practice in Moving & Handling and we facilitate the opportunity to share information and techniques. We will also be looking at Falls and the Falling Patient. To book your place go to our diary page or call 0113 2755774


Our 2020 Annual Update Study Day dates are available now for you to book 

National Back Exchange Guidelines recommend that as trainers you ensure your continuing professional development through either Annual Updates, attendance at conferences or at local branch meetings.  Our Study Days would fulfill this professional requirement.

We would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2020. The LPS office will be closed over Christmas and the New Year from 24th December and will reopen on 2nd January.


Still wanting to update your Moving & Handling? We have limited availability on our Annual Update Study Day this month.


Our 2020 Annual Update Study Day dates are now available to book here

JULY 2019 

Where has 2019 gone?! Already 6 months have passed and we have been as busy as ever here. If you need to book your Annual Update Study Day then don't delay as we have just two remaining dates in September and December. Book here

If you need a Train the Trainer course then go to the William Merritt DLC site and book through them for a course facilitated by us.

JANUARY 2019 Happy New Year!

We have a couple of places available on the Annual Update Study on 15th January 2019 so book your place now.


LPSwill be facilitating a M&H Train the Trainer 5 Day course in January 2019. There are places available and to book please go to the William Merritt DLC website


The Annual Update Study on 15th January 2019 is nearly fully booked so book now here


Our Annual Update Study on 1st November has places available due to a late cancellation. Call now on 0113 2755774 or book here

Our Annual Update Study Days for 2019 are now confirmed at our venue near Wakefield. You can book your place here 

Dates are: 

January 15th
April 30th
September 9th 
December 5th


At this years National Back Exchange AGM, Simon was elected as the new Chair of the NBE! He is very much looking forward to his new role and we will keep you updated of how his tenure goes.

JULY 2018

As many of you will no doubt be aware, GDPR came into force in May and concerns how we keep and treat your data. We want to assure you that we are very careful with any information you supply to us and data is kept secure and is not passed on to any 3rd parties. You can read the full terms of our Privacy Policy here

APRIL 2018

Our next Annual Update is on Wednesday 23rd May and we have a few places still available. To book your place please go the diary page.

At the last National Back Exchange AGM, Simon was elected as the Membership Secretary. Since then, Simon has facilitated the easier affiliation of local groups to NBE and he is encouraging members to become advanced members by decreasing the membership fee for this category. The application process for this has also been simplified. You can find more information here


Welcome to 2018! Our February Annual Update is nearly fully booked with only 2 places remaining so get in touch now and book your place here

And if you would like to book a Train the Trainer place then contact William Merritt DLC directly as they handle all the bookings.


We want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2018. 

The office will be closed from 22nd December until 4th January 2018.

Best wishes from all at LPS - Simon, Julia and Catherine


Our Annual Update Study Days for 2018 are now confirmed at our venue near Wakefield. They will be on Tuesday February 27th, Wednesday May 23rd, Monday July 16th and Thursday November 1st. If you would like to book your place you can do so here 

Places are only confirmed on receipt of payment or a purchase order number.


We have dates for 2018 for our Train the Trainer courses held at William Merritt DLC on our diary page Go to the website at William Merritt to book a place.


We hope you have been making the most of the summer, we at LPS have certainly enjoyed the late summer weather. However, looking ahead we are pleased to announce that both Julia and Simon will be presenting at YORTRAIN GOLD 2017 on Tuesday 3rd October 2017. This is an opportunity for all Healthcare Professionals to be inspired, and learn from experts in their own industry, all about the latest healthcare developments. For more information go We look forward to seeing you there.

JUNE 2017

With Summer fast approaching, fingers crossed, we are very busy here at LPS Training. Our facebook page will keep you up to date with our regular activities and the varied roles that Julia and Simon have promoting Moving and Handling. This year for example Simon has spoken at the NAIDEX conference on the topic of forces and Julia has delivered Moving & Handling training to carers of people with dementia. 

MAY 2017

Our Moving and Handling courses continue to be very popular so don't forget to book your place as soon as you can here  


Our exciting news this month is that we have moved office! We have gone all the way from the basement up to the top floor and we now have stunning views over the Kirkstall Valley. We had great help from a number of family and friends and you can see them in action on our facebook page. 

One of the innovations we have incorporated into the new office is a sit/stand desk for our Office Manager, Catherine and she is enjoying the new working environment very much.


January is almost over and we have been very busy here at LPS Training! We have an extra Five Day Train the Trainer Course booked in for March due to popular demand. The course will take place from 27th- 31st March & 4th May and to make a booking you need to go directly to the William Merritt DLC website 

We also have limited availability on our February Annual Update so go to our diary page to book directly or call us on 0113 2755774. Other dates during the year have good availability.


We are now booking for our 2017 Annual Updates and at the moment availability is good. Book here

On behalf of us all at LPS Training & Consultancy we wish you a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2017.


Our remaining dates this year for the Annual Update Study Days have proved very popular and we only have two places remaining on November 14th and just one on 6th December. When your reminder comes remember to book with us as soon as you can.

Our 2017 dates are available now here


We are having a very busy time here at LPS Training & Consultancy at the moment. Recent highlights include Simon being Chair for the day at the National Back Exchange Conference in Hinckley. Julia was also heavily involved at the Conference assisting on the stand for Professional Affairs. Then Simon delivered a Plenary Session entitled "Principles and Forces" at the Yorkshire Care Event, "Yortrain Gold". Feedback from delegates at both these events has been excellent. Added to these events, we are currently running a number of Annual Updates and Train the Trainer Courses. If you are interested in any of the training we offer please get in touch or have a look at our training page


2017 Annual Update Study Days now online. Book here

The dates for our 2017 Annual Update Study Days will be announced shortly. The days get booked up very quickly so when your reminder comes make sure you book your place. Or you can look at our diary page and book through the website.

We are back now after our summer break and if you want to find out what our Office Manager, Catherine, got up to this summer in Rio then have a look at our facebook page


Please note that the LPS office will be closed until 15th August 2016. 

JULY 2016

We have just booked 2017 dates for our TRAIN THE TRAINER courses held at William Merritt DLC. Go to our diary page for details.

Our Annual Update in September is almost full so if you want to book a place then call us now on 0113 2755774.  Or go to our diary page.

Firstly can we apologise for our recent absence from our website. We have had a few technical difficulties with our computer but after a revamp we are now back up and running. Of course we have still been very busy and our Annual Updates in April and June were both fully booked. Our next course is September and is already starting to fill up so if you need to book a place then you can here

MARCH 2016

April's Annual Update Study Day is now fully booked. Please ask if you want to be put on the waiting list. Courses later in the year have good availability, go to our diary page to check.


 There are just two places left on the Annual Update Study Day on 9th February so book your place now by calling 0113 2755774.

This year we will be running six Moving and Handling Updates at our venue near Wakefield. The next one, in February, only has a few places left so book quickly here if you want to attend.

We will also be facilitating Moving and Handling Courses at William Merritt DLC including Train the Trainer courses and Wheelchair Handling. More details and how to book can be found on their website

And finally, our in-house training prices are increasing soon. However, if you book and pay before the end of February then you will only pay our current price. Contact us to discuss your training requirements.

0113 2755774 or

LPS wish you a very happy 2016!


Have you seen the latest edition of COLUMN, the NBE journal? Simon was one of the Plenary Speakers at this years NBE conference and there is plenty of coverage about him in the journal. Julia also features having co-wrote an article about best practice and credibility.

Don't forget that our 2016 course dates are now available. See our diary page.

Happy Christmas to all and best wishes for 2016.


Julia will be in Birmingham next week, come along and say hello!

Moving & Handling Study Days for 2016 now available here

Also, Train the Trainer and Wheelchair Handling courses available at William Merritt DLC, book through the DLC website

Dates for our Moving & Handling Study Days in 2016 will be posted shortly.


Moving and Handling of Children Study Day, is being run by us on November 10th at the William Merritt DLC in Leeds.

We will be looking at how to balance the needs of the child with the safety of those who care for them, as well as lots of tips and tricks, equipment and techniques. There are still a few places available. Contact the DLC for more info or to book your place.

Train the Trainer Course dates for 2016 are now out and will be in January/March/June and October. If you are interested call the William Merritt Disabled Living Centre on 0113 3508989. Remember, LPS facilitate these courses, providing all course materials and tutors.


Our final Train the Trainer Course for 2015 is filling up fast so if you want to book your place go to the DLC website


Places are still available on our Moving & Handling Study Days. Updates are required to maintain Manual Handling Certification and our Annual Updates are open to participants who have attended any certified Manual Handling/Train the Trainer/Assessor Training. You can book here or call us on 0113 2755774.

Just because it's the holiday season that is no excuse to forget Moving and Handling Principles. On our facebook page you can see how some people are carrying their luggage!

JULY 2015

Our Study Days this year now have a new main topic "The Principle of Leaning". We will also have a revison of basic principles and a look at sling selection. Book your place here

JUNE 2015

Have you booked your place yet on our Study Day? Do it now

MAY 2015

At the end of last month Julia was a guest speaker at Naidex where she spoke about

"Ensuring comfort and safety when hoisting adults - Tips and Tricks for fitting slings".

Is this something your company would like to know more about? Get in touch and see what we training we can provide for your staff. Our contact details are at the top of the page.

APRIL 2015

Have you seen some of our latest stories on our LPS facebook page? Our favourite one recently was this BBC School Report showing we all need a little guidance.

MARCH 2015

Do you want to be able to teach foundation level manual handling?

Our Train the Trainer Courses are very popular and will give you the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to do so.

For more details read here and you can book here.


Last year Julia was interviewed by Slingsby where she discussed how her previous career in Nursing led her to her current job as a Moving and Handling Facilitator and to roles within National Back Exchange. You can now read that interview on their website


Do you know the "Missing Principle" that is being illustrated here by our dog, Holly? We will let you know the answer next month, check our facebook page.

LPS facebook


A new iniative by Radio One DJ, Jameela Jamil, aims to make music events more accessible for people with disabilities. Called "Why Not People", it has among its ambassadors the athlete Hannah Cockcroft and TV comedian Alex Brooker. Read more about it here


Julia and Simon were guest speakers at a recent YORKSHIRE CARE EQUIPMENT STUDY DAY. A short video, 5 minutes, shows some highlights of the day and the second and third speakers are Simon and Julia. You can watch it here.


There was a very interesting item this week on the Jeremy Vine Radio 2 show all about back injuries. It seems that not only can you injury your back doing heavy lifting but there can also be a danger just turning over on your sun bed whilst on holiday!

Listen here from 01:09:25

The date of our September Annual Update has changed. Please go to our diary page for more details.

The Annual Update Study Day on 5th February is starting to fill up so if you have received your reminder then don't hesitate to book your place. Go to our diary page to book.

We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.


Would you like to read our Autumn newsletter? Click newsletter

Julia was recently invited to speak at the Occupational Therapy Show in Birmingham. She spoke about "Guidelines for Safer Sling Selection" and it was very well received by the delegates.


Our Annual Update Study Day in December now has two places available due to a cancellation. Go to our diary page for further details.

We now have dates for our Annual Update Study Days in 2015. Please note that we will be holding our price until April 2015 when the cost will increase to £110. To book go to our diary page

Dates for Train the Trainer Courses for 2015 available at our diary page

Remember that LPS Training & Consultancy facilitate the courses but to book you need to go to the William Merritt DLC website


Our Autumn Newsletter is out now. Get on our email list if you would like to receive a copy.

We are facilitating a Moving & Handling Train the Trainer Course in Bedford over 5 days in November. There are a couple of places available so if you ae interested please get in touch with us. or 0113 2755774


Julia and Simon are at the National Back Exchange Conference this week and they will both be facilitating some workshops. If you are visiting the conference why not go along and say hello to them? More details here

The December Annual Update is proving to be extremly popular and we only have a couple of places left. If your reminder comes make sure you book promptly with us to ensure that you are not disappointed. Book now

We have just two further Annual Update Study Courses in 2014 so make sure of your place by booking as soon as you receive your reminder from us. Alternatively go here to book your place now.

We are also facilitating a Train the Trainer course at William Merritt Disabled Living Centre in Leeds in November. If you are interested in this go here to book your place.


There are still a few places available on the Annual Update course in September, go here to book now.

Catherine is back at LPS now after her two weeks in Glasgow at the Commonwealth Games where she was working in an anti doping role. Everything went smoothly and she got to meet some interesting people including Clyde, the Games Mascot!

JULY 2014

The Annual Update Study Day in November now has a new date and will be held on 10th November. For further details go to our diary page

We are taking bookings for Annual Update courses in September, November and December so make sure you book your place when your reminder comes to ensure that you don't miss out.

Catherine enjoyed her role as a Tourmaker at the Tour de France and is now preparing for a role in Glasgow at the Commonwealth Games.

JUNE 2014

Unfortunately due to low numbers we have to postpone the courses of "101 Uses of a Slide Sheet" and "Safer Hoisting". Hopefully we will be able to reschedule after the summer.

Just 12 days to go before "Le Tour" arrives in Yorkshire and LPS employee, Catherine, is trained and "Happy to Help". Catherine will be a Tourmaker on the route of the first stage. For more details of how "Le Tour" may affect you go to the Le Tour webpage

Our facebook page has lots of interesting articles around Moving & Handling

Our Annual Update Study Days this year will focus around issues relating to moving the plus sized person and will also include a revision of principles and core techniques. Dates for courses can be found here

Recently Julia spoke at the Scottish Moving and Handling Forum on the topic of "Guidelines to keep people safe whilst hoisting" and her talk was very well received.

MAY 2014

We have a new date for a couple of our courses in Leeds. On 3rd July we will be facilitating

"101 Uses of a Slide Sheet" in the morning and in the afternoon

"Safer Hoisting".

To book your place go to here

Have you booked your Annual Update Study Day yet? We have dates right through the year so book now here

APRIL 2014

Do you know that we also facilitate Moving & Handling Courses at William Merritt Disabled Living Centre? Forthcoming courses include

"Train the Trainer" and

"Train the Trainer Update". More details can be found here

Annual Update Study Days are booking up fast! June is now fully booked so make sure you don't delay in contacting us when your reminder comes. Or you can plan ahead and contact us now to book your Annual Update. All the details are here.

MARCH 2014

We still have a few places available on the Annual Update Study Day on 8th April. Go to our diary page to book your place.

It was great to visit the Kit4kidz exhibition in Leeds this week. If you are interested in a practical course " Moving & Handling for Children" click on the link below for further details and to book.

New dates for our Annual Update Study Days are now available. See our diary page for details.


The latetest Newsletter is out now! If you want to be added to our distribution list then get in touch via

Safer Moving and Handling in the

Perioperative Environment

Simon has been a co-author on this new publication which is available to order now from the NBE website.

This book has been developed to provide a practical guide to safer moving and handling in the Perioperative Environment.  Techniques and equipment are illustrated throughout.

Annual Update reminders have recently been sent out so don't delay in booking your Moving & Handling Study Day when you receive your reminder. Our diary page has further details and you can book directly from there.


There are just a couple of places left on our February Moving & Handling Study Day. There is good availability for our Annual Update Study Days in April and June. Go to our diary page to book.


Julia and Simon will be facilitating Train the Trainer courses in Leeds in 2014. For dates and more information please go to our diary page.


There are just a few places left on our December Moving & Handling Study Day. Please go to our diary page to book your place.

More choice for 2014 on training dates.

In adddition to the dates we have at Wakefield, Julia and Simon will be facilitating Moving and Handling Train the Trainer Courses and Update courses in Leeds. For dates and more information go to our diary page here.

All material and content will be provided by LPS and Simon and Julia will be the trainers.


Course Accreditation

Julia has recently been consulted by the OCN (Yorkshire & Humber) regarding the development of a new regulated qualification in Moving & Handling. It will be one credit, around 10 hours learning (equivalent to a one day training course and some practise back at work). We would really appreciate your feedback on this. Please can you complete this brief questionnaire and email it back to us.

The November Annual Update Course is now full. We have a few places remaining on the December course and there are new dates for 2014 on our diary page.

The dates for our Manual Handling Facilitators (Train the Trainer) course have been changed slightly and the course will now run from 25th-28th November 2013 and 9th January 2014. We will now be running the course at the William Merritt Centre in Leeds and for this course only bookings will be taken by them. All course material and content will be provided by LPS and Julia and Simon will be facilitating the course. Further details can be found here and here.


New dates have been booked for our Annual Update Study Days for 2014. Have a look at our diary page for details.

The date for the 5th day of our Manual Handling Facilitators (Train the Trainercourse has now been booked and it will be 9th January 2014. For further details about the course which starts on November 25th 2013 please have a look here

There are still a few places left on our Annual Update Course on October 8th so book now

Did you know that our facebook page has lots of up to date information about Moving and Handling. Have a look now


We will be facilitating a Facilitators Update Course at the William Merritt Disabled Living Centre in Leeds on 2nd September. Further details can be found here

JULY 2013

Julia has recently been interviewed by Slingsby's magazine for an article in their latest edition. Slingsby's are a leading supplier of load handling equipment. You can read the article here on pages 8 & 9, and find out if Julia would carry on working if she won the lottery and more on her perfect partners for a day out!

We have a new date for our next Manual Handling Facilitators (Train the Trainercourse. The next course will be from 25th - 28th November 2013 with a 5th day in early 2014. To register your interest in this course please email or go to our diary page and follow the link there to register online.

Our latest newsletter is now available with information about why it is appropriate to update your Moving and Handling skills. If you don't receive our newsletter but would like to then please email us and I will add you to our mailing list.

JUNE 2013

Our spring offers are still available this month and have already proven very popular with participants. See details below for how you can save money by booking in advance.


Don't forget to have a look at the FREE resources that we make available on our RESOURCE PAGE Manual Handling resources from LPS Training & Consultancy Ltd. From there, follow the link to Free Downloads from LPS. Our latest addition helps you record informal training.

MAY 2013

We have some special offers at the moment if you are booking onto our courses. Discounts are available as follows:

SPRING OFFER 1 – Book and pay for an annual update in 2013 for yourself and receive a 10% discount. (Code: SO1)

SPRING OFFER 2 – Bring a colleague to attend an annual update in 2013 and you will receive a 25% discount on your annual update place when they book and pay for their course. (Code: SO2)

We have just released new dates for our Annual Update Courses. Go to our Diary page to find out the details.

APRIL 2013

Did you know we have a Facebook page? LpsTraining?fref=ts Have a look and please let us know what you think.

We also provide lots of free resource materials. Manual Handling resources from LPS Training & Consultancy Ltd

MARCH 2013

We now have some new dates for our Annual Update and Facilitator Courses. Please check our diary page Manual Handling diary from LPS Training & Consultancy Ltd now and don't delay if you want a place as they book up quickly!


Our forthcoming courses at our new training venue are already proving very popular! The Annual Updates this month and in April are already fully booked. If you are still interested in these dates we can add you to our waiting list or you can book now for the course in June.


Here at LPS we are excited about our forthcoming move to our new training venue near Wakefield. Our first course there will be our very popular 6 Day Moving & Handling Facilitators Course. On successful completion of this course participants will be able to teach foundation level manual handling. If you are interested have a look at our training page above.

We have also started to send out information via an email newsletter, recently featured was more on the exciting summer Julia and Catherine had at the Olympics in London. If you don't receive this newsletter please contact us and we will add you to our mailing list.

Email Catherine at

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in 2013 and we wish you all a very Happy New Year.


New Training Venue for 2013

All our courses from 2013 will be held at Prism Medical, Unit 4, Jubilee Business Park, Jubilee Way, Grange Moor, Wakefield, WF4 4TD. Easily accessible from both the M1 and M62, we look forward to welcoming both new and regular participants.


Catherine and Julia have recovered from a busy summer as volunteers at the Olympics and Paralympics.  For Julia, it was a bit of a busman's holiday as she was supporting spectators with mobility problems and could be seen driving an 8-seater mobility buggy around the Olympic park.  Catherine was part of the anti-doping team in the Aquatic centre and even managed to swim 4 lengths of the pool.   




Dates have been announced for the annual 3-day conference in September.  Alongside the normal conference will be a 1-day Paediatric conference. 



We have added new dates at our new traning venue near Wakefield for 2013.  Go to our diary page for further details.  Book and pay now for 2012 prices.

JULY 2012 - LONDON 2012

Yes the London Olympics will soon be with us and Changing Places will be providing a fully accessible toilet in every Olympic venue. If you have tickets for the Paralympics you may just see Julia in her volunteer role! She will be assisting spectators, who may have mobility issues, around the Olympic Park.  Catherine is also volunteering at both the Olympic and Paralympic Games and she will be working with the athletes.


Courses are booking up very quickly, make sure when your reminder comes you contact us as soon as you can. Or, if you know you will be due for an update, get in touch with your preferred date.  Please note also we have changed the date of the September Annual Update to 19th.

JANUARY 2012 Happy New Year! 

We have added more training dates for our 6 Day Courses and also our Annual Update Study Days.  Please see our Diary for further information.



Our latest newsletter is now available

click here to download lps newsletter winter 2011

or as a PDF file (if you have an ipad or a mac) click here

lps newsletter winter 2011


New Chair of National Back Exchange

At this years AGM held at the NBE Conference, Julia was elected unopposed as the Chair of the Executive Committee.  She is looking forward to all the challenges this role will bring. We will keep you up to date with how she progresses throughout the year.



LPS announces new training dates for 2012 and save money by booking early!

LPS Training & Consultancy has new dates for public training courses for 2012. Annual Update Study Days provide moving and handling training for professionals to ensure that their personal certification is up-to-date, as well as getting information on the very latest techniques and legislation.

In addition, LPS has scheduled a new 6–Day Manual Handling Facilitators Course.

For more information, see our diary.


hoisting guidelines from HSENew hoisting guidelines from HSE

The HSE has recently published "Getting to grips with hoisting people". These are basic guidelines and were developed in conjunction with National Back Exchange (Yorkshire Branch).  There is a useful flowchart on page 7 that could be laminated and hung from the hoist as a reminder for all staff.

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LPS Training & Consultancy calendarJust let us know when you took your training with LPS and we'll make sure you're notified in plenty of time for your annual updates.

forward Click here for your free reminder.


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